Medical Claw Vacuum System with TotalAlert 360 controller front

Oil-Less Rotary Vane Medical Vacuum System

The Oil-less Rotary Vane Medical Vacuum Systems are designed to comply with the NFPA 99 standard, ensuring a reliable and efficient medical vacuum solution for healthcare facilities. These systems utilize oil-less technology, reducing maintenance and eliminating the risk of oil vapor contamination. They are engineered for ease of installation and operation, with a focus on safety and performance. The systems are suitable for a range of medical applications, providing dependable vacuum for surgical and patient care needs.

TotalAlert 360

An enhanced design, additional monitoring and trending, and connectivity with MyMedGas make these state-of-the-art controls your key to taking control of your medical vacuum system.

Easy maintenance

The LifeLine oil-less rotary vane pumps are 100% dry, with no oil to leak or change. They feature durable, self-lubricating carbon/graphite vanes, and vane change-out is simple when needed.


The system is connected to MyMedGas for remote monitoring and integrates with BACnet/IP for seamless data and alarm management with your Building Management System.

Key Features

Medical Claw Vacuum System with TotalAlert 360 controller left angle view

The high-resolution touchscreen is simple and intuitive, featuring screens with easy-to-read color graphics and icons displaying the system’s vital information. With a glance, quickly understand the system operation and identify any alarms or warnings.

 The air inlet filters per each pump contain HEPA filter elements to prevent contaminants from entering the vacuum pump, and thus ensuring safety during servicing. The HEPA filters are fully compliant with NFPA 99 code requirements for vacuum filtration.

Combining several unique concepts in an over-under package, the LifeLine vertical vacuum package offers one of the smallest footprint of any fully NFPA 99 compliant medical vacuum package. 

With noise levels at or below 79 dB(A) for all duplex models, the oil-less vacuum rotary vane systems are very quiet to operate. Additionally, oil-less rotary vane technology is inherently vibration-free.

Nothing is more important than non-interrupted vacuum service. We ensure no service interruptions even in extreme circumstances with features such as a backup vacuum switch.

The oil-less vane pumps are easily maintained by personnel with ordinary tools and no special skills. This makes them ideal for small facilities with limited maintenance staff.

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