BeaconMedaes helps install piped medical gases at emergency hospital in the UK

BeaconMedaes is so proud to have had 12 installation engineers working around the clock to deliver the NHS Nightingale Birmingham project which is set to open later this week.

project beaconmedaes covid 19 nhs birmingham nightingale
The NHS Nightingale Hospital Birmingham is being built as emergency solution to provide additional capacity if needed to help relieve local services dealing with the increased number of patients during the peak of COVID-19. The emergency healthcare facility is based at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC), where an initial 500 fully equipped beds will be placed to support COVID-19 patients who may no longer need intensive hospital care. The facility will have the ability to scale up quickly to 4,000 beds, if required. These are unprecedented times and we are very proud of our BeaconMedaes team’s dedication and efforts over the past week help bring the first stage of this essential facility to reality in such a short period of time. We are also working nonstop on a number of expansion projects around the UK, as well as supplying medical gas equipment. More stories on these projects will follow shortly.