Training and Optimization

At BeaconMedaes, we believe that education is the cornerstone of our partnership with our customers.

Shot of a businessman giving a presentation to his colleagues in a boardroom

Elevate your expertise with MyMedGas

Ensuring the safety of patients starts with comprehensive training tailored to the unique roles and responsibilities within medical gas systems management. Our training programs cater to a wide range of roles and functions within healthcare facilities, ensuring there’s a perfect fit for everyone. Crafted by professionals with over 70 years of experience in the medical gas industry, our courses offer invaluable insights and practical knowledge. Available both online and in-person, these training sessions are designed not just as learning opportunities but as steps forward in your professional journey. With BeaconMedaes and MyMedGas, you are not just learning, you are advancing towards excellence.

To assure that our client’s education is the best that they can obtain, we offer three types of training classes through our MyMedGas platform and, provide you with the necessary credentials through our partners So, let’s get started – together, we’re going places!

Online Classes

  • Learn at your own pace
  • Follow online video modules and take exams to test your knowledge 
  • Important: not all courses are available online
Online education, e-learning , Training classes

In-Person Classes

  • Interaction with a qualified instructor and a more hands-on approach
  • Scheduled in one of our global Training Academies or an offsite location
In-Person Class Room Training NFPA

Onsite: Facility Training

  • Private classes designed specifically for your facilities maintenance
  • Combination of in-person (at your facility) and online courses
MyMedGas Demo Session - Lifeline Manifold

Medical Gas Code Requirements

We have courses tailored to the HTM medical standards, as well as other generalized safety, product, and best practice training. 

HTM - AP/CP Training & Credentials  

The Health Technical Memorandum 02-01: Medical Gas Pipeline Systems (MGPS) – Part B Operational Management requires comprehensive knowledge across all personnel tiers regarding the principles and functions of MGPS. BeaconMedaes, in collaboration with its partners, offers two critical levels of training and credentials essential for the maintenance of medical gas and vacuum systems' health and safety: the Authorized Person (AP) and the Competent Person (CP). These certifications cover crucial aspects of medical gas safety, including the permit-to-work system and emergency procedures.

Competent Person Training (CP)

The Competent Person courses are ideal for installation technicians, engineering staff, maintenance technicians and personnel looking for improving their knowledge and understanding of Medical Gas Pipeline Systems.

Authorized Person Training (AP)

The Authorized Person courses are ideal for estate officers and engineers looking for improving their knowledge and understanding of Medical Gas Pipeline Systems.

Seeking expert guidance?

Connect with us. Backed by a robust global network, we specialize in medical gas distribution systems.